Rae Ripple

Rae Ripple from a branded content video production project

In May of 2023, Dickies sent the Idarado team down to Texas to tell the story of Rae Ripple, a sculpture artist. With much experience in branded content video production, we were excited to dive into Rae’s process. Rae Ripple’s sculptures are a testament to resilience and the transformative power of art. Idarado Welding together pieces of discarded scrap metal, she weaves stories of her challenging past into every curve and joint of her creations. For Rae, each spark that flies from the metal isn’t just a step in the crafting process, but a cathartic release, a way to confront and reshape the traumas of her history. The jagged edges and rough textures of the materials she employs seem to mirror the hardships she’s endured, yet in her skilled hands, they come together to form sculptures that are not just visually striking but deeply emotive. Through her art, Rae has found a therapeutic outlet, turning the remnants of forgotten metal and memories of yesteryears into lasting symbols of strength and redemption.

Rae Ripple during a branded content video projection project

Filming an artist in the midst of welding a metal sculpture presents a unique set of challenges. The very essence of welding, with its intense bursts of light, can play havoc with camera sensors, risking overexposure and making it difficult to capture clear and balanced shots. There’s also the concern of safety; flying sparks and molten metal can be hazardous to both equipment and crew, demanding protective measures. Additionally, the cacophony of welding sounds can interfere with audio capture, masking subtler audio elements essential to the story. The artist’s protective gear, essential for their safety, can also obscure their face and expressions, potentially distancing them from the audience. Overcoming these challenges requires a blend of technical know-how, creativity, and a deep understanding of the art form being showcased.

Rae ripple during an Idarado Video Production

The video production for the Rae Ripple project was a dive into the world of artistry and healing. From the outset, our team recognized the powerful narrative interwoven between Rae’s past and her creations. Like much of our branded content video production, the piece was shot on two RED cameras across two production days. The client’s creative director wanted to weave in handy-cam footage and homemade music to create a raw and authentic depiction of Rae.

Sparks fly during a branded content video production project